WordPress Security Tips in 2019

Link to article: WordPress Security Tips (2019)

We often hear about the troubles with WordPress, how insecure it can be to hacking incidents and so forth.

As a web developer, this, unfortunately, becomes a topic of conversation with many of my clients, or at least those who agree to build their web foundation on top of WordPress.

Although there are other ways to harness WordPress without all the headaches and worries of keeping it secure – I’ll write about this in a future post – but I wanted to point you to a recent article I wrote for Soho Victoria, a small business community website, that covers the truths about hacking, WordPress, and where small businesses fit into all of this.

If you’re a WordPress user and owner of a small-to-medium sized business, you’ll definitely want to check out WordPress Security Tips (2019).

I’d love to hear your feedback or comments, so feel free to post them here or on Soho Victoria!

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